The Archetypes and their Essences we discover
»Archetypes bring certain qualities which we can invite
into our bodies and awaken their powers to make
them part of our Life.
Often they are shown to us in allegories,
divinities, myths and fairytales.
We can as well, find them in us.«
In this very special Journey you will meet your Inner Archetypes & embody their Potential. It is a Cycle in which I introduce you to 12 different Types that every Months will be discovered in its essence and Strengths and how they can serve us in daily Life.
In different Movement Explorations, you learn to embody the qualitites of each Archetype. And to integrate the embodied qualities through Reflection, Creative Expression in Paintings and Journaling Techniques into your daily life.
You will learn how to become more aware of your patterns through conscious writing and reflection. You will get the chance to make visible which qualities would like to be seen even stronger through each Archetype in you.
At the end of each Month, we reflect the aspects of each Archetype in your personal experience. In this way you get insights and can see your potential that wants to emerge more clear and manifest it.
The Yearly Cycle
Each Month we will explore one Archetype in Depths, with Guided Movement Rituals, Exercises and Sharings within a Group
12 Months – 12 Archetypes & their Potential
to be explored for you from home
Start every time possible
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Integration Individual
Individual Session 60 €
Whole Movement Cycle 666 €
(12 Sessions, Trial, Introduction & Reflection)